Well I just found out that last week apparently was Shotgun Week, and nobody told me until today!, Goddamn it!. Seems that only Hunter S. Thompson knew about it.
It's true, it was Shotgun Week and Hunter is all the evidence you'll need, want to see what I mean?. First of all Hunter must have sure loved Shotgun Week, since he celebrated it big and closed it with a BANG. On February 15 he showed his respects to Shotgun Week by writing an article for his column at ESPN titled Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray. Although a lot of people did knew that Hunter had always seemed strange around these dates, not many noticed anything unusual in the title, how could this seem strange coming from him?, but just to leave this thing about the dates and titles all cleared up, here are some other titles from Hunter's column at ESPN Thompson: Death in the afternoon february 20, 2001, Thompson: A world of pain february 19, 2003, FUCK!, just think about it, on this same day two years later during the 2005 Shotgun Week, he would put a Shotgun to his head and blow the brains inside of it all over the place after starting it off by writing Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray which turned out to be his last article.
And about the grand finale of Shotgun Week, well Hunter sure did closed it with a BANG, when he put one to his own head pulled the trigger. You've gotta love Shotgun Week....
agosto 2004 septiembre 2004 octubre 2004 noviembre 2004 diciembre 2004 enero 2005 febrero 2005 marzo 2005 abril 2005 mayo 2005 junio 2005 julio 2005 septiembre 2005 marzo 2009