Another blog about nothing and everything all at once..

Some days already passed and I haven’t heard a word from her, I’ll just pump up the drug levels and see what happens at the end of this unhappy fairy tale, I’ve been spending some time with old buddies from back in the old the strange days. Nothing much has changed in that world it’s like Jethro Tull’s Aqualung, like I’ve always said don’t ask me I just come up with them as they come along for the ride. Finding a replacement for the love of your life is something you must never set as your goal, you’ll never find anybody, but if you look for, like I wrote in the blackboard back in high school once, “Who’s gonna be the stupid bitch who’ll marry me?”, it makes the whole thing much easier, I bet it does, this way you’re not looking for something so unexisting as the woman of your dreams, or the perfect woman, you’re just looking for that stupid bitch who’ll end up marrying you, and there’s got to be like a million of those just look at divorce rates these days.
Well maybe I’m just an asshole and everything, but who knows, I might be right for the first time in my life, who knows it might even turn out to be like Pink Floyd’s Young Lust instead, God knows I really need a dirty woman. Twenty-four years old and I already see myself as a dirty old man, how bad is that, I don’t know, but it can’t be good, can it?
Restless hungers and anxiety make things to easy to bare I just keep my mind on those two and a thought of her never even shows up, I’m trying block everything but It’s just to hard for me to do, you see when I said that I loved her I really meant it, no matter how many times she doubted it I wasn’t lying. She was always on my mind I couldn’t help it if that made it tiresome at times , I’m mad I know but I simply don’t care about it I care about myself and getting laid against the sheets with her again. Why can’t I just go to hell now and avoid this waiting line.
Days of lingering go by and I just can’t see to let go of it all, baby why don’t you come back?